It may sound a little uncanny when we talk about bumper protectors; one may argue- why must we get bumper protectors. Those who have installed bumper protectors in their vehicles typically agree that car bumper protectors have been one of their key strategic installations. The reason that they offer is- car bumper protectors play a pivotal role in protecting the bumpers, the bumpers, bumper-edges, while parking in limited space situations, fender-benders, etc., wherein the bumpers and the bumper edges are most vulnerable to scratches, dents from collisions. Note: Bumper Protectors are predominantly installed at the edges- wherein the threat is maximum.
It may sound a little uncanny when we talk about bumper protectors; one may argue- why must we get bumper protectors. Those who have installed bumper protectors in their vehicles typically agree that car bumper protectors have been one of their key strategic installations. The reason that they offer is- car bumper protectors play a pivotal role in protecting the bumpers, the bumpers, bumper-edges, while parking in limited space situations, fender-benders, etc., wherein the bumpers and the bumper edges are most vulnerable to scratches, dents from collisions. Note: Bumper Protectors are predominantly installed at the edges- wherein the threat is maximum.

If you are still wondering if bumper protectors are worth your consideration in 2022, or if it is still a thing in 2022, take this scenario as an example- While it is true that you cannot do much about high-intensity collisions, you can certainly manage the low-intensity ones with a good bumper protector. Surveys suggest that most of the damages to car rear bumpers come from parking misadventures. This is particularly true in a country like India because space is a serious problem and parking is a serious challenge. You never know when a protruding licence plate from another car or a rod from a car or rickshaw leaves a permanent scar on your bumpers. On top of that parking is a serious issue in India. Indians have often had to eke out parking in difficult situations, wherein you may have to park with ostensible objects (pillars, others, posts, signs, etc) in very close vicinity of the vehicle. Other features of Indian roads- traffic, narrow ‘gullies’, double-parking, Cows, carts, rickshaws, etc- pose a serious threat to the car, particularly the bumper edges- because these are highly exposed- to getting nicked. Modern Bumper protectors are specifically designed by keeping these possibilities in mind.
While there was a time when choices in bumper protectors were limited- today, we have different types of car bumper protectors, based on- dimensions, size of bumper protectors, design built, flexibility, and appeal. For instance, back in the day, when it came down to the choice in material, it was limited to only 2 options, namely plastic and rubber. Today we have multiple options among the new-gen bumper protectors, two of which are most prominent- Carbon Fibre Finish Bumper Protectors and Chrome Line Bumper Protectors. The Carbon Fibre finish- as you can guess- is made from carbon fibres, which adds durability and scratch resistance to it, naturally. Also, you can paint them to your specifications. They also come with lip splitter fins which add a very sporty look to the car. These are quite elastic and can be shaped and twisted into different forms.
The second new-gen option is chrome line car bumper protector. The chrome line is typically installed over high-strength PVC. Note: these car bumper protectors are typically very appealing to the eyes, with the bright and shiny chrome line contrasted against the black PVC. That is, the chrome line is integrated into the structure. It is easier to install and can be self-done.
Admittedly, car bumper protectors have proven to be a useful addition to many car owners in India, where the threat to the bumpers on a real-time basis is very real. Thankfully, there have been ample upgrades in car bumper protectors today. You can find them manufactured with high-quality materials such as carbon fibres being used. Problems witnessed with old generation bumper protectors, such as rigidity, stiffness, poor quality of materials, lack of reliability and aesthetics- have been addressed by these new types. How important an installation is to your car, depends on your general driving conditions, roads, and parking scenarios of your locality or geographical area.
On top of that, the access to modern car bumper protectors has also increased with the burgeoning e-commerce auto shops, which offer door-step delivery of your product. To buy a car bumper protector, these days, is only about a simple click.